Kids Praise #6 - Psalm 103
An interactive way to introduce children to a devotional life with God through worship, Scripture meditation, confession of sin, and conversational prayer.Praise and Thanksgiving. When we want to come into God's presence, how do we come in? Does anyone remember? (Kids respond.) Psalm 100:4 (NIV) says, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise..." The gate is kinda like God's door. We go up to God's door and knock, because we want to come in and be with Him. We knock on God's door by giving thanks to Him for something. Who is ready to knock on God's door? (Kids respond.) OK, when you knock on the door, tell God "thank you" for something. (Children knock on a door or a wall and say thank you as they enter the "courts".) Now remember, the Bible verse also says that we enter His courts with praise. After we come in the front door of God's house, we enter His living room, or His courts, by giving God praise. What do you want to praise God for today? (Kids respond.)
Today we are going to give praise to God with a song called "Praise the Lord, Oh My Soul." This song is good for twirling and dancing with some very graceful moving of your hands. (Play song from Psalm 103:2-5 on the "Hide 'Em in Your Heart: Praise and Worship for Kids" cd.)
Search. (Have children sit down in a circle.) OK, kids, I'm going to say some words from Psalm 51:10 (KJV) and then you echo it after me. Create in me (Create in me) a clean heart (a clean heart) O God (O God); and renew (and renew) a right spirit (a right spirit) within me (within me). Why would we need to get our heart clean? (Kids respond.) The Bible says that everybody does wrong things and it is like our hearts get dirty. But we can say "God, I was wrong and I'm sorry." Then He promises to make our heart clean again. (Depending on age of children, and their understanding of spiritual things, you will have to modify this section. The point is for them to become familiar with confession of sin, so it becomes a natural response.)
Ask. We can ask God to help us when we have a problem or especially when we are hurt or don't feel good. Does anyone need God's help today with a problem or a boo boo? Would you like us to ask God to help you feel better? (If it will work for the children, have one child pray for the other. If not, you can have child ask for themselves or you can do it out loud. The point is for prayer to be modeled in a very natural way.)
Listen. We also want to practice listening for God's voice, just like Samuel did. Do you remember that Samuel was just a kid about as old as you when he heard God talk to him? Let's practice getting very quiet and listening for God. We might get an idea, see a picture, or get a thought from God. We are going to keep practicing listening for God so that someday it will be just like breathing. (Spend about 1 minute being quiet, depending on the age of the children. Then ask the children to share what they experienced. Note to Charlotte Mason families: This develops the habits of attention and thought of God.)
Meditate. Do you remember the song that we sang earlier, "Praise the Lord, Oh My Soul"? It came from a place in the Bible called Psalm 103;2-5 (NIV). I'm going to read it out loud to you from my Bible. (Read verses.) Question time: Can you remember what it means to praise the Lord? (Kids reply.) Praise is celebrating God and telling Him how wonderful He is. (Kids respond.) What do you think that word "soul" means? (Kids reply.) The soul is the very deepest part of you. It is invisible, that means you can't see it, but it is the part of you that will live forever. It is the very center of you that feels and makes choices and understands things. (Kids respond.) So when we say, "Praise the Lord, Oh my soul," we are telling that deep secret part of us that we want to celebrate God. (Kids reply.)
Hands-on Worship Activity: Can you draw a picture of a child with praise coming out of them? You might want to show praise coming out of their mouth, their hands, and their soul, which is in middle of them? Maybe your praise will look like beautiful colors or wiggly lines or music notes. (Child/parent/teacher can write on the paper, "Praise the Lord, Oh my soul." Play the song/cd again while they are making their art.)
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