Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Mother's Prayer: Love Labors Toward Glory

My first-born came in the days of December when I was preparing my heart for Christmas. This is a mother's prayer...


Who for the joy set before me
Will endure the pain,
Spill my blood,
Spend myself,
And exhaust my strength.
For you,

I will despise the shame
Of my vulnerability;
I will expose my weaknesses
Before strangers.

I will not rest,
My labor will not cease,
Until the moment I sit down
With you at my breast.

Oh, Holy Spirit,
Groan with me.
Oh, Messiah Jesus,
Fellowship with me in my sufferings.
Oh, Father God,
Be glorified by my labors.

And oh, little one,
(heart strong from the very beginning)
know this:
You are wanted,
You are accepted,
And you are loved.

You are worth every moment
Of sickness, of stretching,
Of waiting, of groaning.
How I have longed to gather you in my arms,
Ached to smell your skin.

You are my beloved child.
I am yours and you are mine
For a season.
Each day: a gift, a privilege, a blessing.

When I finally awake,
And see your face with His,
I will be satisfied.

Copyright © 12/09/05 by Kendra Lane Barrow. All rights reserved.

(Based on Heb 12:2, Rom 8:26, Phil 3:10, John 17:1, Luke 13:34, Song 6:3, Ps 17:15)